Public Speaking

Public Speaking

“Our audience were motivated and captivated“.

Sam understands the benefits of inclusivity in business. Having trained as a building studies student in 1989, Sam learnt from an early age how important diversity is in the workplace, as well as focusing on healthy professional relationships, teamwork and differences to keep any company striving and achieving success.

As a business owner, philanthropist, survivor and mother she can offer an invaluable insight into motivating oneself, health & family demands, setting up a company and starting a charity. She is highly regarded amongst her peers and is often asked how she manages to fit it all in.

Discover the secrets of fitting more into your day, motivating yourself to achieve your own goals and handling failure, as you journey with this kind and warm business CEO. 

From humble beginnings, Samantha founded Nomad Stone as a natural progression of her 30 year love of buildings and development. Never prioritising herself, always a go-to person for others, she would assist in the growth of other businesses, working hard and dedicating time to charity as well as pushing others to succeed. Her unique company ethos and unusual life story has positioned Sam as one of the more popular speakers, practicing what she preaches.

Sam’s talks see her recount how valuing herself has been a 50 year challenge as she explains that her history is the foundation of what her business and charity are today.

She is a powerful motivator at events, (especially for an audience of entrepreneurs, property professionals, charitable foundations, women in business and survivors) as Sam’s valuable stories embody all that it means to reach one’s potential and overcome life’s challenges both large and small. With determination, self-motivation, perseverance and a passion for success not only for herself but also for those around her, we are sure that your audience will enjoy time spent in her company.

Driving diversity and focusing on positive professional relationships, teamwork and inclusivity are a high priority for Nomad Stone. Here Samantha talks about the need for finding common ground and an appreciation of what others can bring, the key to achieving maximum success is inclusion.

Up and coming talks:

March ’23 – fully booked

8th June ’23 – Maggie’s Centre, The Royal Marsden, SM2

Samantha has supported Maggie’s for over 17 years having taken part in our first ever Cultural Crawl event organised by the RIBA, in London. She has also spoken at our Maggie’s Christmas Party to over 100 guests and thought up and supported us with the organisation of our annual Surrey Cycle Challenge which has already raised over £55,000 for our Maggie’s centre at The Royal Marsden in Sutton..

Lydia, Maggie’s Cancer Centre, The Royal Marsden

Chat to us if you would like to invite Sam to speak at your event.

Invite Sam to speak…

Samantha’s enthusiasm is legendary, she doesn’t seem to have a bad day; she approaches everything with incredible energy and good humour. Her skills are top notch, she’s an excellent “mind-reader” and her business acumen helps her understand and prioritise the needs of the project to achieve a successful result.

Mrs A, London