Meet the team

Samantha Jepp-Panteli,
CEO & Founder of Nomad Stone

“Nomad Stone is the culmination of 30 years experience practicing at my favourite hobby …”

Sam is a qualified building surveyor and a serial developer passionate about reinventing underused land, properties, and unusual spaces.

Her career in construction began in 1989 when she gained her HND in Building Studies, learning how to build walls, create technical drawings and use a theodolite, as well as studying the more technical aspects of building lifecycles.

As Sam took on increasingly larger projects, she continued her education, studying Building Surveying Practices at Reading University. Further developments followed, ranging from developer landlord projects to complete re-builds and land assembly. 

Nomad Stone’s conception was a natural progression for Sam, who has an eye for potential, always looking to enhance the built environment and enable the best use of space to create value that others cannot see.

Thirty years later, construction and buildings still excite Sam, and her unique energy and sense of fun have seen Nomad Stone go from strength to strength. She particularly enjoys creating innovative spaces to provide much-needed homes and, instead of demolishing, turning unloved buildings into places where people want to live and work by breathing new life into their foundations and stonework.

Sam was keen to do two things when setting up Nomad Stone; to help First Time Buyers by creating ‘First Rung of the Ladder’ opportunities and supporting her charity, Nomad Home.

Sam says that she can occasionally still be found in a digger and that, yes, she still loves it!

“Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”
Mark Twain

Andrew McNaughton,
Non-Executive Advisor

Born in 1963 (Toronto, Canada) Mac gained a BSc Combined Studies (Economics/Geography) in 1984 and went on to work in Investment Banking during the 80’s and 90’s.  Successfully trading (Japanese) Bonds/Government Debt and Futures Trading. In 2003 Mac re-trained gaining a PG Dip in Property Development & Planning Law and set up his own company within the residential development market. The company has worked on many projects; site finding, plot negotiation, preparation/submission for planning permission, selling sites on to developers. 

In 2019, with nearly 20 years’ experience, Mac was approached to consult for BP on their NTI (New to Industry) sites.  This now focuses on promoting EV/Hydrogen fuel sites…green approach for BP. Alongside this, Mac is also Planning Consultant for the expansion of Wildwood Trust, providing European Brown Bear and other wildlife areas. 

Planning Expert,

Our planner has expert knowledge of planning regulations and controls, a very hands-on individual with a wide variety of construction planning, architectural experience and permitted development rights. An individual with a detailed and unsurpassed understanding of planning law and policies.

With this understanding of planning law, our planning expert is able to use an open minded approach, giving the best possible solution, applying for permitted development or

placing a full planning application with the Local Council and securing the best possible route for each project. He also makes a complex subject most enjoyable, allowing Nomad Stone to get the maximum benefit from each project.

Our planner has seen all that there is to see in the world of permitted development rights and planning uplift and planning gain, which definitely gives us the edge.

Liam Austin,
Ashfield accountancy

“Ashfield Accountancy are delighted to be working with Nomad Stone and we have been providing assistance in all aspects of the business from its incorporation to present day. Sam had run a business previously and we prepared her annual accounts. Our professional relationship grew and we now see ourselves as part of the essential team required to assist Nomad Stone from beginning to end with their projects.

Our professional involvement includes advice, setting up of a new SPV, cashflow and management reports and the efficient processing of financials, including year-end compliance accounts.

As a trusted local accountancy firm, we have been assisting SME businesses with a range of accounting requirements for over 30 years. Using our various networks, we are able to recommend and connect businesses to enable projects to be fulfilled.

We value ourselves as the support vehicle to help Sam get on with the job that she needs to do, which is to develop property”.

Apprentice Programme,
Coming Soon

The Nomad Stone team are keen to pass on their knowledge to help young professionals coming into the business and are dedicated to developing them by letting them grow. Sam said, “the diversity found amongst the various members of the wider team is a great place to learn and hone skills, understanding where you fit in the big scheme of things is so important”.

The reason Nomad Stone wants to invest in young professionals is to give them a safe professional place to learn, where they can watch and grow, with advice on tap every step of the way.

“In 1989, when I started out there were no helpful guides or mentors. We hope to be in a position soon to be able to take on an apprentice and would welcome approaches from those with a keen love of the property world, a connected degree or transferable set of skills”.